Alex Raistrick

I am a third year Ph.D candidate in Computer Science at Princeton University, advised by Jia Deng as a member of the Princeton Vision & Learning Lab.

I completed my undergrad in computer science at the University of Michigan, where I was fortunate to work with David Fouhey in the Fouhey AI Lab and previously Michael Nebeling in the Michigan Information Interaction Lab.

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Infinigen Indoors: Photorealistic Indoor Scenes using Procedural Generation

Alexander Raistrick*, Lingjie Mei*, Karhan Kaan Kayan* (*equal contribution), David Yan, Yiming Zuo, Beining Han, Hongyu Wen, Meenal Parakh, Stamatis Alexandropoulos, Lahav Lipson, Zeyu Ma, Jia Deng
CVPR 2024
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Infinigen: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation

Alexander Raistrick*, Lahav Lipson*, Zeyu Ma* (*equal contribution, alphabetical order), Lingjie Mei, Mingzhe Wang, Yiming Zuo, Karhan Kayan, Hongyu Wen, Beining Han, Yihan Wang, Alejandro Newell, Hei Law, Ankit Goyal, Kaiyu Yang, Jia Deng
CVPR 2023
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Collision Replay: What Does Bumping Into Things Tell You About Scene Geometry?

Alexander Raistrick, Nilesh Kulkarni and David F. Fouhey
BMVC 2021 (Oral)
website / paper /

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MRAT: The Mixed Reality Analytics Toolkit

M. Nebeling, M. Speicher, X. Wang, S. Rajaram, B.D. Hall, Z. Xie, A.R.E. Raistrick, M. Aebersold, E.G. Happ, J. Wang, Y. Sun, L. Zhang, L. Ramsier, R. Kulkarni
CHI 2020 (Best Paper)
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Maximal Munch: Internet Search Engine in C++

U-M EECS 398-001 Fall 2019 - System Design of a Search Engine
Alexander Raistrick, Adolfo Apolloni, Austin Kikeintveld, Brandon Kayes, Daniel Hoekwater and Ryan Wunderly 2019-04-25

Internet Search Engine built from scratch in C++, named after this parsing principle. Indexed over 140M web pages, and served results in 1-3ms for most queries.


U-M EECS 398 - System Design of a Search Engine - Fall 2019
U-M EECS 280 - Programming and Intro Data Structures - Winter 2019
U-M EECS 280 - Programming and Intro Data Structures - Fall 2020
U-M AI4ALL - Summer 2021
Princeton COS529 - Advanced Computer Vision - Fall 2022
Princeton COS324 - Introduction to Machine Learning - Spring 2023 (Grad. Student Teaching Award)

Design and source code from Leonid Keselman's Jekyll fork of Jon Barron's website